Interview with Airport Managing Director Jürgen Friedel

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Airliners: Is Lübeck more of an incoming or primarily an outgoing destination?

Jürgen Friedel: That depends on the route. With Munich, it's fifty-fifty. But we have markets like Bern, for example, which are ninety percent incoming. But there are also seasonal differences. Salzburg is almost one hundred percent incoming in summer, but in winter it's the other way around.

Airliners: What about the other airlines at Lübeck Airport?

Jürgen Friedel: There was a great interview in the Ostseezeitung last fall with Markus Rossello, the managing director of Sundair. According to the interview, the best-performing airport at Sundair was Lübeck Airport. That pleased me and made me proud. But we also did everything we could to make the operation really good. We have a brand-new infrastructure and we do everything ourselves. Word is getting around and now Smartwings is also coming to charter traffic.

Airliners: So in addition to Lübeck Air ... there will still be vacation flights from Lübeck?

Yes, the guests love to fly from Lübeck. This is partly due to the fact that things are simply going well and that a Schauinsland Group or a Sundair is simply doing more with us. As of today, we have almost tripled the number of bookings compared to the same time last year. This has also prompted us to test whether a warm-water destination such as the Canary Islands works, so that we can then also offer something in the winter from the airport's point of view. That would suit us very well., 23.03.2023.

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